A new study finds that taking 5-15 minute time out to let your brain wander can actually make your brain get some work done.
Your brain may actually be processing important issues that aren’t relevant at that immediate moment.
Further more, napping for about 20 minutes a day on the couch may look lazy but be good for your body.
Napping does a mind and body good. A 15- to 20-minute snooze can make you more alert and energized and improve your stamina, and longer naps can even help you learn and retain information better, according to research by Sarah Mednick, Ph.D.
The brain wave patterns generated while daydreaming are almost identical of those people produce when meditating. People often wonder what the experience of� meditation is like – it’s very similar to those times you wander of and can’t remember the passage of time.
The techniques described above give your conscious mind a break and let you relax while your brain processes other information you can’t be bothered with.
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1) my spacing out time could be precicous and important!
2) that pug is adorable.