That is if you even can be bothered to vote at all next year. The 2008 Select Smart Presidential Candidate Selector can help you to base an important decision on a simple online quiz.
Simply answer how you feel about certain issues and how strongly, then stop researching and following politics all together until election day! I’m curious, what candidates came up for our readers in their quiz results?
Personally, I prefer the “shoot-a-booger” method where you shoot a booger out of your nose as hard as possible on the voting machine to pick who will screw up the country even worse be the next president of the United States.
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hmmm… let’s see. what r our choices… i’m not even sure the country’s ready 4 this election. we have a guy who gets $1000 hair cuts, we have a black dude, and Hillary. should be nteresting 2 say the least!! :o)
Who gets the $1000 haircuts?
john edwards. or so the rumore mill goes…
On my quiz, Edwards is down low…though Obama is on top.