It doesn’t take much energy to make your life greener and MSN recommends 13 quick ways to do so. Aside from changing your light bulbs from tungsten to compact fluorescent you can buy renewable energy offsets and insulate your water heater – a one time deal.
The obvious way to pull the plug on so-called energy vampires is to do just that — pull the plug. If you don’t want to keep rebooting your PC, you can reduce the juice to it by putting both the monitor and the computer itself in sleep mode when they’re not in use. Computers operating on snooze control use about 95% less electricity than those running on full powers.
Pulling the pull on certain appliances may be practical (and quick for sure), if you want you computer to save energy after it’s done illegally downloading music, install the CO2 Saver. MSN’s list makes a good addition to these 10 lazy ways to save energy.
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