The Laziest Kitteh In The World

[via Cute Overload]

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Find A President To Vote For Quiz: Select Smart Presidential Candidate Selector

That is if you even can be bothered to vote at all next year. The 2008 Select Smart Presidential Candidate Selector can help you to base an important decision on a simple online quiz. Simply answer how you feel about certain issues and how strongly, then stop researching and following politics all together until election […]

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Check The Freshness of Your Meat: SensorFreshQ

The SensorFreshQ tells you instantly if your meat is fresh enough to eat. The device ($89.95) actually measures the levels of harmful bacteria in red meat and poultry (not fish) and tells you if it’s safe to eat. Hold the meat stick an inch above your meat and push the magic button. Most people just […]

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Have A Mini-Keg Party With Heineken DraughtKeg

The Heiniken DraughtKeg stores 5 liters of beer and makes for an instant keg party without the hassle of picking up a full size steel barrel. The DraughtKeg has it’s own internal CO2 compressor so there is no pumping action required – you just flip the lever. Beer stays fresh drinkable for up to 30 […]

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Carry An Unactivated Credit Card While Traveling Abroad To Avoid ID Theft

foXnoMad writes: By using an unactivated credit card, you�ll have the plastic to show but won�t have to worry about a shady car rental employee from buying a Prada bag with your Visa. Just make sure to peel off the activation sticker before you hand it over. read the rest >>

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We’re Feeling Lazy Today

Almost so lazy that I wasn’t even going to write a post about how I was too lazy to post today, but I needed a good excuse to put up a picture of a Pug.

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Man Hides Dildos In Sausages

A German man headed for Dubai was discovered to have two sausages with dildos inside of them. The 50 year old man bought the sausages from a butcher, only to return them soon after and asked they be kept in the freezer. A clerk at the shop noticed the sausage had gotten heavier. There are […]

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Free Online Language Courses: Mango

Mango offers free online language courses in 10 languages. The courses include Japanese, Polish, and Brazilian Portuguese. The course are are a blend of Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur. Each language has around 100 lessons, enough to give you some basic conversational skills. Mango registration is free and only requires a valid email address. We’ve written […]

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How To Urinate In Public

To save time and water, often it is best to piss out side. Commonly thought of as a male-only form of pleasure, ladies can…and do get in on the act. Here are some of the best ways to unload your non-sexual liquid fun in public without going to jail or getting your shoes dirty. Make […]

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Preview Firefox Tabs: Tab Scope

The Tab Scope Firefox plug-in lets you preview tabs live just by hovering your mouse over them. The view is just like Vista’s, so you can see what’s going on in other open tabs without changing tabs. Tab Scope also includes reload, refresh, and stop buttons in each preview window. When a preview is highlighted […]

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